

Committed Professionals

Equine Dentistry - Suggestions

Your horse has a new mouth and may need special consideration the next time you watch him eat or ride him. In the past he has been chewing and performing with pain in his mouth and he may anticipate it again.


  • even though his jaw has been returned to a three-point-balance he may be apprehen- sive. Everything is going to feel different to him, give him time to explore and understand how his new mouth feels;
  • he will be using new and different muscles and may need a little time to realize he can freely move his jaw again. Temporary observations: he may tilt his head to the side, yawn, bring his hay in to eat and drop it out again. Don’t be alarmed this is normal. Each horse is different and will explore in a different manner.
  • the more severe his teeth, the more corrective dentistry performed, the more patience you will need to extend to him;
  • warming up his mouth before your next mount. Bit him up about an hour before riding him the first time after his dental appointment. Allow him the opportunity to feel the fit in his mouth without hand pressure;
  • because his mouth will feel different to him, go back to pressure and release exercises to show him it won’t hurt when he flexes the next time;
  • he will need to be re-examined again in 6-12 months to maintain balance.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call.